Our Other Color Holland Lops
Another "other color" Holland we have is Marmalade. Marmalade, a broken orange, is living here while his owner gets her rabbit area set up .
Winkler's Artic BlastBlaster fits his name, Winkler's Arctic Blast. Pure white with lovely blue eyes and he came home at the beginning of an Arctic blast in November 2000.
For more pictures of Blaster and more information on him click here.KB Marmalade
WB Picasso Like father like son. This is a young broken black out of Marmalade. Picasso is however going to be smaller than his dad. But look at that type! Picasso has moved to Nebraska to live with my good friend Kelly. KB Long EarsLong Ears got moved to his own page! To see Long Ears click on his picture below.
Site Web Master : Dorothy
This Site last updated 11 Mar 2002