Thanks for applying to join
the Bravenet Rabbit Web Chatters SiteRing
Here are the steps you need
to take to qualify to join the ring.
- Copy the HTML code for the SiteRing Panel below.
- Paste the Panel Code onto your webpage.
- Copy any images to your site.
- Edit the Panel Code in several areas (there are five areas where
the code has to be changed):
- Where you see [siteID] - replace it with your SiteID
(it was emailed to you when you first signed up)
- Where you see [put your email address here] - type in your email
- Where you see [put your name here] - type in your name
- Where you see usernum=961430225 do not change that
- Make sure the link to the images are correct to pull the images
from your site.
- Save the changes to your site.
- You will not see your site in the ring until you have been approved.
You will be notified by email once you are approved.
- If you have troubles, email me at
This is what the Panel will look like on your site: